In the last little while, work has progressed on fitting up BAM1741 with HEP bylines to enable power to be put into the car. This has been in aid of getting hot water back on the car, and to enable heating facilities to be installed.
So far, the car has been wired up along the side, with mains power into the car. There have been several power outlets installed, with more to come. Externally some finalisation work is required to tidy up the job, like some black paint over the grey urethane on the junction boxes.
Here is the Power Socket fitted to the Canberra End of the Carriage.

and the junction box at the same end

The profile of the conduit along the side of the car

The junction box at the Sydney end of the car

and the Sydney end power socket

Here the end of the car has been modified to accomodate the power line in the vestibule power cabinet

This is what holds the conduit to the car. These are new mounting brackets welded on the side, and the new clasps have been fabricated out of old 50mm water pipe.

Inside the vestibule, and behind the wall, we see the mains power cable and the modified fire extinguisher cupboard (needed to be made smaller to accomodate the other mods)

... and this is the fire extinguisher box in the vestibule - just like a bought one!

Thanks to some shopping at L&H in Fyshwick we see the new power board and circuit breakers

Another view of the power board

Newly fitted power board in the bar area - really handy to have for all the mod cons!

Also, some power sockets fitted at ground level in the bar area, good for heaters and vacuum cleaners.

Power sockets have been progressively refitted to the bedroom areas.
Here is one such new installation.

Once upon a time, the NSWGR had a belt driven 220v generator fitted to the BAM cars to power sockets fitted to each sleeping room for electric shavers. These generators had been removed years ago by the SRA prior to the ARHS acquiring the cars, and in the case of 1741, the old sockets had been removed and plated over, as seen below.

Some floor sockets have been installed too - these will be handy for floor heating options.

and an example of what was there before - nothing!

With all this electrical work going on, with the walls removed, the opportunity was taken to re-install marker lamps on the Sydney end of the car (removed by the ARHS years ago, for who knows what only reason...)

More posts as work progresses.